Sunday, 9 February 2014

Work at class

Last lesson I tried to particularly continue to focus on butterflies, int his instance of a image I have taken of a butterfly last year. However I did not want to examine the whole butterfly, nor draw it out fully, my main focus was to observe how the colours of the wings blend and gradually mix together, to create different tones etc. This is why I only done small sections of the wings. Then I also observed a feather and a rose mainly because they had similar orange/red colours like the butterfly, that gradually changed, so it was interesting to see what media and materials would be the best to draw these and closely observe the colours. Overall I found that coloured chalk was the best material to blend colours together, and oil pastels did not work as effectively as I expected, because they made the lines to heavy and overdone.
I have decided that I will continue observing and experimenting with butterfly wings and colours, and how they compliment and work well with each other, to help me develop my theme that I can then concentrate on to successfully create my final piece later on.

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